Maple Grove School Information 


Supervision of the school playground begins at 9:00 a.m.  Parents should be aware that students arriving before this time cannot be assured of the safety that such supervision provides.  Please encourage your children to arrive before 9:10 a.m., when the bell will ring for entry into the school. The Playground Equipment is closed before school, as there is no supervision.

All students line up and enter at 9:15.  If you are late, please sign in at the office. 


Five time a year we will be having Recognition Assemblies.  These assemblies are hosted by students and recognize students at Maple Grove who are making a difference. Parents are welcome to attend our Sharing Assemblies if they have a child presenting or their child is receiving a Golden Griffen Award. 


Bicycle, scooter, and skateboard racks and storage are provided at the school for those who choose to ride to school.  All bicycles, scooters, and skateboards must be placed in the racks or storage unit and must be locked. For safety reasons, students are not allowed to ride bicycles, skateboards, long-boards or scooters on school grounds.  Bicycle helmets are required by law and should be worn at all times. The school cannot accept responsibility for damaged, lost or stolen transport.


Due to allergies, if you wish to recognize your child’s birthday at the school, we are requesting that you send NON-FOOD items. Some examples of alternatives to food items for you to consider include stickers, crazy straws, pencils or erasers.  Each student can come to the office on their birthday to receive a birthday pencil.


Students are not required to bring personal devices to school and will be provided with school technology for all of their academic needs.  If students choose to bring technology to school, it is expected they leave their device in their backpack or locker at all times, unless otherwise directed by the teacher. Students may not use their device at break time or the hallways.  The school is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged technology.


We have many students who ride the bus to and from school.  We encourage eligible riders to use this service to help decrease the traffic around the school.  Please be reminded that riding the bus is a privilege, and students who do not follow the expectations on the bus will not be allowed to ride.  Students are only permitted to ride the bus for which they are registered to ride. Students may not board other buses for any reason.

Bus Reminders:


We believe students have a right to learn in a safe and caring space that is free of bias and discrimination, and that students have a right to respectfully express their individuality. To ensure our learning environments are safe and respectful spaces, our Maple Grove  has adopted a shared set of standards for student dress.

Our values and beliefs:


Students are dismissed at 3:35 p.m. Students are expected to leave the school grounds by 3:50 p.m. Please note the following PICK UP locations:

Kindergarten:  Children are dismissed at 3:20 p.m. from the Kindergarten fenced enclosure or the primary school doors adjacent to the enclosure.

Grades 1 – 8:  If you are picking up your children to walk them home, please wait outside at the doors through which your child enters and exits the school.  For the safety of all children and protection against unknown adults in the building, we ask parents not to wait in the halls or outside their child’s classroom.  Students are dismissed promptly at 3:35, unless they have team practices, clubs, or other circumstances. They are expected to leave school property promptly after the dismissal bell.

*All students in Gr. 1-8 will exit at the back of the school which is a supervised area. Bus students will walk to their assigned bus promptly after the bell.  Supervision will occur until all buses are loaded and leave for home.


Many parents find the walk to and from school to be a good time to also walk the family dog.  If this is the case, please do not bring the dog onto the blacktop on school property, as some students are allergic or fearful.  It is also difficult to predict a dog’s behaviour when confronted with a large group of excited children.


Parent involvement in field trips is another effective way of participating in your child’s learning.  Visiting sites outside the school can provide support to classroom program and extend student understanding and interest.  

In the fall, staff prepares an outline of the field trips planned for the school year.  All field trips relate to the Curriculum. Details about each trip are sent to the parents of the students involved prior to the event.  Written parent permission is needed before a student can participate to ensure that you are aware of the timing and purpose. Occasionally, parent drivers are used to reduce transportation costs.  Drivers are required by Board policy to carry $1,000,000 liability insurance when transporting students.

All parent volunteers MUST have a police check on file at the office.  If we have one from previous years, it is still valid, however an updated offence declaration from this current school year is required.


Fire Drills will be held at regular intervals during the year.  A continuous ringing of the fire bell will be a signal for fire drill.  All staff, students, volunteers and visitors, must leave the school during fire drills.  Students and staff will have warning for some drills, while others may be surprise drills.  Teachers will share fire drill procedures with their students so everyone is aware of how to exit the building safely. There will also be two lockdown drills per year, during which students must listen to and comply with all staff directions.  


Parents are to provide the school with the name and phone number of a person to call in case of an emergency when a parent cannot be reached.  If the emergency contact person should change, please inform the office immediately.  

Even though safety on school property is always a prime concern, accidents can happen.  Most injuries are minor and can be attended to at school. However, if an accident should occur that requires medical attention, school procedures are as follows:

If a student becomes ill during school hours and contact cannot be made with a parent or the emergency number, the student will be made as comfortable as possible in the school until a parent can be reached.  If your child feels unwell before coming to school, staying at home for the day can speed recovery and prevent spreading the “bug”. 


In an effort to maintain a high level of cleanliness in the school, we are asking all students to keep a pair of INDOOR SHOES at school throughout the year.  We highly recommend Velcro for the younger children.   


Please label your clothes and lunch bags so that they may be returned to you. Expensive or important items should not be brought to school, as the possibility of theft or damage exists.   Our lost & found is located beside the Art room. Please note that any unclaimed articles will be donated to charity. We will put out any items on a table for one week before donating them to charity, and parents will be notified at this time.  Students are asked to please bring valuable items that are found to the office for safekeeping.


Students eat in their classroom at their desks.  Classes are supervised by a combination of paid lunch supervisors and teachers. The two nutrition breaks are from 10:55 to 11:35 and from 1:15 to 1:55. Students must eat in their own classroom at their own desk and food will not be permitted outside. They are expected to eat quietly and cooperate fully with fellow students and teacher supervisors.  

As we have many students with life threatening allergies to peanuts/nuts and nut products, these should not come to school as part of a student’s lunch.

We expect students to eat at school in the same manner as they would be expected to eat at home.  Please remind your child that they should conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. We hope that all students will adhere to lunchroom rules so that they do not lose their lunchroom privileges.  Repeated problems will result in alternate lunch provisions for a period of time specified by the Principal and/or Teacher. 

Students are required to clean their eating area prior to dismissal (e.g., put away garbage, push in chairs, recycle cans).


Permission will be granted to those students whose parents have completed the "Permission to go home for nutrition break" form, which is sent home at the beginning of the year (additional forms can be picked up at the office). Students are not permitted to leave the school to go to the plaza unless they are accompanied by their parent, who signs them out at the office. Students are also not permitted to go to a friend’s house for lunch. It is expected that students go to their own home, or stay at school.  Thank you for helping us to keep our students safe, and appropriately supervised.


Accessible parking spots are available at the front of Maple Grove’s main entrance. Permits are required.  Our parking lot is reserved for staff and for visitors to our school (including parent volunteers) who will be staying at the school for some time. Please arrange drop off/pick up with your child either on a side street adjacent to the school (e.g., Albion Drive) or in the Oakville Trafalgar High School parking lot.  Our students can enter and exit our school grounds through the public walkway. We ask that parents and students do not cross through our parking lot area as buses and other school vehicles will be driving through. Our kiss & ride at the front of the school is reserved for our Kindergarten students and their siblings only.  This will also keep our driveway clear so that our school buses can enter and exit the parking lot safely.  


All students must be dressed appropriately to allow full participation in physical education and QDF activities.  For safety, running shoes must be worn (lace-up, velcro and tie-up). No slip-ons, open backs or loafer style shoes are allowed.  Appropriate gym attire must be worn (e.g., shorts, t-shirts). This may vary with the grade level and activity. Students in Grade 6-8 should use roll-on deodorant before and after class.  Spray on deodorants, perfumes or colognes are not permitted at school.

Parents must sign a ‘Permission to Participate’ form.  If a student has been excluded from full participation in physical education classes due to medical issues (e.g., concussion, broken bones), a ‘Permission to Resume Participation’ form must be obtained from our office and signed by the referring doctor.


Our students from Grades 1-8 will be outside at the same time.  We expect our older students to act as role models for our younger students.  Whenever you are deciding what to do during recess, it must be safe, and it must be respectful.  If it is not safe or respectful, then you will be asked to stop the activity, and possibly encounter some form of consequence for your actions.  If students are having a problem at recess, they are always reminded to see an adult in the orange vest for assistance.  

The climber equipment is open to our Grades 1-2 students at first nutrition break and to our Grades 3-5 students at second nutrition break, but will be closed to students before and after school, as there is no supervision in that area.  It is also closed in the winter months when snow and ice builds up on the climber.

Students are encouraged to have a plan for recess about what activity they will engage in, and they are reminded to never throw snow or other harmful objects (e.g., sticks, stones).  Students must ask permission to re-enter the school during recess to go to the bathroom, but they are encouraged to go on the way outside.

To help keep the playground clean, and the bees away, food and/or drinks are not permitted on the playground.


Learning to plan ahead is a valuable skill to acquire.  Students should keep families informed ahead of time of special events at the school.  The phone in the office is available to students on an emergency basis. Students need teacher permission to be granted prior to emergency office phone use.  Students should not be using their cell phone to call anyone during the school day.


Each September you will receive forms to complete to assist us in up-dating our medical information at the school.  These information forms are essential if your child requires medication at school (either on a regular basis or in case of an emergency) or if your child has a serious condition such as asthma or a life threatening allergy (e.g.,peanut, bee sting etc.). It is very important that parents keep the school current with medical needs. 

The Anaphylaxis Protocol 2006 outlines that all schools must have school-wide plans and individual plans for students and/or staff identified as having anaphylactic reactions to allergens. The intent of the Anaphylaxis Protocol is to create a safe learning and working environment for all persons with severe allergy conditions.  If you have any questions about your child’s plan, please contact the vice-principal at the school.

We have a number of students who have a life-threatening allergy to peanuts, tree nuts and peanut/nuts products, fish, and shellfish.  Therefore, we request that our families refrain from sending any food with peanut or nut products to school.


It is necessary to notify the School Office of student information changes (e.g., address, phone number, contacts in case of emergency).  It is most important to ensure that the school does have a number for at least one emergency contact. It is essential that the school is able to make contact with a parent or designate at all times.  Please contact the office if you have new contact information at any point throughout the school year.


In an effort to ensure the safety of our students in the school environment, the Halton District School Board has reviewed the Access to Schools policy.  The following statements are extracted from the policy;

“All persons visiting the school must sign in at the school office and state the purpose of their visit to the school.  A person is not permitted to remain on school premises if the person fails to sign in as required. Persons authorized to be on school premises are not entitled to have access to all areas of the school premises and may only access areas of the school as permitted and as related to their role in the school at that time.”  

Therefore, we ask all parents/visitors to register at the school office on arrival, prior to entering any other area of the school.  This includes situations such as bringing children to school and delivering materials, lunches or messages to staff or students. When you are delivering forgotten items, such as lunches or gym clothes, please give the items to the office staff.  Please do not sign in and deliver the items directly to the classroom or ask to have your child come down to the office at that time. This practice causes frequent interruptions in the instructional time for all students. The office staff will try their best to get the student to come down on their nutritional break.  Similarly, important messages only will be conveyed during nutritional breaks as well.

After checking in at the office, anyone visiting for any period of time during school hours will be required to wear a ‘visitor  or volunteer card’ which will signal to the children that this person belongs at our school. Parents must pre-arrange times to ‘drop by’ your child’s class by calling the teacher and setting up a suitable time to visit so that instructional time is not disrupted.  All Halton District Board staff identification cards are blue. Volunteers will have I.D. badges obtained in the office. All parent volunteers MUST have a police check on file at the office. If we have one from previous years, it is still valid with an offence declaration each September.  As mandated by the Ontario government, all school doors will be locked during instructional hours. If you need access to the school, there is a buzzer system at the front door where someone will let you in to report to the office.


There are certain items that are not permitted in a school environment in order to maintain a safe learning environment. These include alcohol,  illegal substances, cigarettes, and vaping paraphenilia. As well, students are not permitted to bring sharp items such as pocket knives, utility knives, box cutters etc.